Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mommy takes a tumble...

Yes... So I've always know I've been a major klutz.. Most of the time I don't even realize my arms are attached to my body.. because they usually have a mind of their own. They slam into walls, I bang up my jewelry.. Im a real big mess.

Well... my biggest fear is for me to be holding Marek and actually fall down and drop him. And that is exactly what happened to me yesterday afternoon.

We were actually leaving Marek's school and I was holding him and praising him on the great news I had heard from his teachers. (We have had some issues with Marek the past couple days) so good news was a real blessing to our ears. So here I am holding him and telling him how proud I was him. Obviously not completely paying any attention to the end of the curb. Which is a nice actual smooth transition, except for the fact that I stepped off the sidewalk into the grass. My foot/wedge heel went into a hole and dropped me straight down onto my right knee. Marek and cell phone in hand. I somehow managed to set Marek safely to a sitting position on the ground while I dragged my foot out of the hole, and managed to some how not break a second phone. Or hurt Marek in any way. Which was my biggest concern that flashed through my mind while this was all happening. After feeling shocked that I had just done this... And pulling myself up and off the ground. I look down at my knee and realize that I now have a rather large hole in my pants at the knee. I pull my pants up to find a nasty bloody scratch.. which has now turned into a puffy hard sore. NOT FUN! Though the first thing out of my precious sons mouth is.... (In the saddest and sweetest voice) Ohhh no Mommy! Let me give you a hug. Honestly... I will never forget that. I am a lucky mom, and so very fortunant that he is safe.

My knee looks much better than yesterday, but boy is it sore.. my twisted ankle should be back to normal in no time too. So happy that no bones were broken!