All the dads (Harris's, Gold's, Davis's and Orr's) and kids went to see a Broadway Musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I snapped this picture as they were heading out. They looked too cute! :)
Marek had a bloody nose in the middle of the night. The next morning there was a spot of blood on the floor. He yells Daddy! There's a little bit of night left on the floor.
I asked Marek what my name was and usually I get the response mommy.. and my real name is Amber. But on this occasion when asked... he goes. Mommy James Orr!
Marek: Daddy, when I grow up I'm going to be a daddy. And then you'll be a Marek. Then you can go somewhere else and I'll have mommy.
We drove by a shiny green John Deere tractor with a older looking mower attachment on it. Marek goes... "Look at that old-timey scoop on that tractor."!
Do you want to lay in your bed and watch commericials?
Marek: I want a snack. Me: Would you like some graham crackers? Marek: No... I want something I like.
I close my eyes a lot, and I open my eyes a lot!
Marek: Mommy, we don't eat bunny rabbits. Me: No we don't. Marek: Because they would be sad.
He told me that when he was done with dinner he'd be all "grown up" like me.
At a restaurant it had been raining. Marek looks out one window and says.. It's raining out that window, and not raining out the other window! I said no.. its actually not raining anymore, thats just the run off from the roof.
Marek had finished off two chicken legs, and looked down at his plate and said. Look mommy its pirate bones!
Marek was walking around in just his new underwear. He flexs and says look at my big muscle! Then he goes its a MUSCLE PARTY!
I was told by his teacher at school that Marek reminds everyone that we do not peepee or poop in the pool, because that's where Mr. Connor works. He's one of the kids swim instructors.
We were reminding Marek of all the people he needs to listen too. He needs to listen to his parents, his teachers, policemen, and firemen, and he shouts out and says and Iron Man! Our reply to him was yes... pretty much anyone that has a gun.
This is probably too much info to share but it's funny to me.. Everytime he goes poo on the potty. He stand up and while flushing he waves and says "BYE POOP"!!!
Whenever someone asks him to dance... He immediently starts to break dance. He gets down on the ground and starts throwing his legs up in the air.
Knowing the Chorus from a Wheatus Song.. and singing from the backseat "I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby."
When singing his ABC's when it gets to the LMNOP part is always... LLLLLMP....
Whenever he wants to take a break from something.. he always says.. OK lets take a "robot break" (we don't have any clue what that means, but it always makes us chuckle)
If you asked him what his name is... It's always Marek James Orr.. never just plain Marek...
Telling me that I'm a mommy not a "princess". But then when I'm wearing a dress. OH MOMMY!! YOU'RE A PRINCESS!
Keep in mind Marek just turned three, and he says... Do you remember back when I was a baby mommy??
After taking a nap, thanks to daddy watching Marek. I go in to see Marek in his playroom and in the sweetest voice he said, I'm sooooo happy you came back!
Marek gave me a kiss and felt my nose, and said it was cold. And then proceeded to ask me if it were in the fridge.
I say to Marek... We're lovers, not fighters! He says ya mommy we're lovers we're not SPIDERS! Hahaha!
Almost any girl wearing a dress is... "a princess"
He gets really thrilled when something is a match.. rather we're both wearing red shirts.. or we both are drinking bottled water. He squeals "We're a match"!
Instead of saying... I am a happy boy.. it's always one word. IM-AM a happy boy. (Sounds super cute)
Asking me to blow on his fruit because it is TOO COLD coming out of the fridge.
Marek constantly says Mommy, mommy, oh mommy from the backseat while in the car. I always say "Yes Marek, what is it?" He usually proceeds to tell me did you see that big truck?? Something a long those lines.. Well he pulled a funny one on us.. He says.. in the grouchiest and growly voice "MOMMY" and I turn around in a annoyed manor. What is it??!! IM HAPPY (Happiest little voice ever) You just never know whats coming out of their mouths..
Marek see's Scoot (our cat) up on his top bunk of his bunk bed.. And he know's he's not old enough to go up there yet.. So he says.. "That bed is for BIG kids and BIG cats"!
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